This is a selection of my personal projects in web development.
More...tikzcd creator
More...Map of dietary preferences
More...Multi-player Chess program
More...Sudoku app 'Svudoku'
More...Efficient Sudoku solver
More...Pentomino tilings and the exact cover problem
More...Queens problem visualization
More...Group theory in TypeScript
More...URL shortener ""
More...Beautiful pixel animation
More...Codeblock components with Shiki
More...Animated pie charts in Svelte
More...User authentication in SvelteKit
More...Quiz app made with Vue and Svelte
More...Planning Poker app
More...How to password-protect SvelteKit pages
More...Google Forms clone "Svorm"
More...Drum Computer
More...Svelte Chat App
More...Translations of web development terms
More...Beautiful image puzzle effect
More...Conway's Game of Life
More...Pure CSS Rock, Paper, Scissors game
More...Graph editor
More...Complex to-do app
More...Run diary
More...Comparison of 7 JavaScript frameworks
More...Doodle clone "Svoodle"
More...Weather app
More...Pool game
More...Dancing circles simulation
More...Rubik's Cube
More...Pure CSS 3-dimensional sphere
More...Wordle clone "Svordle"
More...Digital bookshelf
More...Slide puzzles
More...Space shooter game
More...Calendar app
More...Sprite animations
More...Cell simulation
More...Whisper Note
More...Spotify playlist finder
More...Mahjong solitaire game
More...Single-player Chess program